Anthony Ciavirella is the Co-Founder at Manmade. Along with his 3 best friends and co-founders, they left the financial industry to pursue a problem they all had: terrible underwear. From underwear, socks, t-shirts, and soap, their mission is to provide men with quality essentials men need, without the BS they don't.

In this episode...

 How the Co-Founders Decided on a Business Idea Mastering the Art of Efficient Production Manmade's Go-to-Market Strategy Partnership of 4: The Power of Collaboration and Shared Vision Unique Value Propositions that Set Them Apart Key Metrics for Success Main Channels for Customer Acquisition and Retention Handwritten Cards for Each Order with Customized Messages Regularly Connecting with and Nurturing VIP Customers Responding to Every Comment and Amplifying Customer Experiences Customer Acquisition and Retention: Strategies for Sustainable Growth Shifting Focus From ROAS to LTV - Measuring Long-Term Customer Value Celebrating Wins and Learning from Losses: Reflecting on Successes and Challenges

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