Ryan Gresh is the founder of The Feel Good Lab, a maker of plant-based pain relief and recovery products that were developed in his family's pharmacy.   Before starting The Feel Good Lab, Ryan was an aerospace engineer designing helicopters and jet engines but left that career to take the innovations from the family business and turn them into a worldwide DTC brand.


In this episode...

👉 A Family-Inspired Venture
👉 Navigating the DTC Roller Coaster
👉 Customer Empowerment Through Success Stories
👉 Key Lessons That Resonate
👉 Building the Winning Team Dynamic
👉 The Unconventional Path of Fundraising
👉 Legal Lessons
👉 Evolution of Today's Entrepreneur
👉 Entering Retail Amidst the Pandemic
👉 Empowering Customer Support
👉 The Power of Raving Fans

For more episodes of The DTC Insider podcast, head on over to http://www.thedtcinsider.com/


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