Many women struggle with commitment when it comes to making lasting changes in their health and fitness journey. They often feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start, often relying on finding the "perfect" plan and hoping that it will not work. But guess what? In this episode of the Fit Girl Magic podcast, I'm here to tell you that it’s NOT the “plan” that you need to find but the focus on commitment and finding courage are the keys to unlocking your true potential for a healthier you. I share some of the significant changes I’ve made this year to my diet, like adding more protein, to achieve my fitness goals. And here's the kicker – you can actually overeat "clean" foods! It's time to break down the myths and face the facts about your nutrition. A good friend said this the only day and it really slapped me in the face. You are not insane you are comfortable!   So…   In today's episode its your roadmap to self-discovery and experimentation in nutrition and exercise. It's not about relying on someone else's "perfect" plan; it's about teaching you how to fish so you can become self-reliant in your fitness journey.   Throughout this episode, I'll inspire you to summon the courage needed to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and embrace change like never before. So, what's the solution? Tune in to your favorite podcast app and discover the courage and commitment you need to transform your health. And remember, I’d love to hear your thoughts and leave a review to show your love for Fit Girl Magic! Facebook group Free Resources: Website:    Lifestyle 66 -- need a way to jumpstart your January! I've got just the thing right here.