Alright, let's talk about something we've all danced with at least once – the art of avoiding things like a seasoned pro! Procrastination, darling, it's like a universal struggle. We've all been there, or maybe we're still camped out in that land of "I'll do it later." Even the über-organized folks fall into this trap, believe it or not. Now, gather 'round, for I confess I'm the self proclaimed reigning queen of procrastination. Yup, I wear the crown for putting things off. But let's not kid ourselves – this procrastination party spans across every corner of our fabulous lives. Picture this: I can sprint like a cheetah when I'm chasing that finish line. But here's the zinger – once that finish line's crossed, I collapse in a heap. So, magic makers, how do you tackle this procrastination dragon? How do you conquer those challenges that love to give us the side-eye? Hold onto your tiaras, because I've got some  advice on how to dropkick procrastination. It's time to snatch those tips and bulldoze through those tasks. Get ready to slay those to-dos without pushing them off again.    Facebook Page:   Facebook Group:   Website:   Podcast:   If you're over 35 and curious about your menopausal status, I've got a handy checklist of symptoms to help clue you in. So grab this menopause tracker and take back the reins!