Welcome back to Part 2 of our game-changing series on the Belly Fat Code. If you’re drowning in rigid fitness rules and never-ending to-do lists, this episode is your life raft. Feel like you’re stuck in a loop of self-imposed rules and sky-high expectations? Trust me, you’re not alone. I and many women have been there—pushing ourselves to the brink with strict diets and workout plans that leave zero room for actual living. In this Fit Girl Magic episode, we’ll tackle how these unrealistic standards can lead to epic fails and burnout. Have you set goals that feel as impossible as climbing Everest? Same, girl, same. One of my clients was buried under endless to-do lists, while another got tangled in the daunting #75hard challenge. The frustration of never quite measuring up can make you want to throw in the towel. Ugh, I feel you… But don’t worry, I’ve got your back! Today’s Fit Girl Magic podcast is packed with actionable steps to break free from food and diet and obsession. I’m talking non-negotiables—simple, doable tasks you can get done even on your worst days. From rethinking your fitness goals to prioritizing rest and setting realistic targets, this episode is all about resetting your mindset, building consistency, and embracing sustainable habits. Facebook group Free Resources: Belly Fat Code waitlist  Should you do the 75 hard? Essential Mindset Shifts https://fitgirlmagic.libsyn.com/stop-chasing-diets-essential-mindset-shifts-for-women-over-40253 https://www.fitgirlmagic.com/bfc_march2023waitlist Website:  http://www.kimbarnesjefferson.com