On today's episode of Fit Food Junkies Podcast, I interview Shannon "The Cannon" Hudson, Founder and CEO of 9 Round Boxing. 




We discuss:

- Shannon explains the 9 round circuit style workout; the flexibility of no scheduled class times, and quick but intense 30 minutes of exercise 

- How 9 Round started with an idea and grew into a business franchise 

- Shannon’s background as a professional fighter champion and how he used his passion to build his business

- 9 Round is an authentic kickboxing class to help their members feel like a champion

- How 9 round got started with a vision 

- Shannon discusses the challenges and hustle behind building a business and the importance of constantly creating and learning as it grows

- We discuss the franchise industry and how it can allow you to globally scale your business

- The importance of writing down your goals and being as detailed as possible

- The power of visualization and using it as a tool to achieve your goals  

- Tips on how to avoid burnout and celebrating the small wins and accomplishments