In the U.S., today, nearly 50% of all men over 40 are obese.

Being overweight and out of shape is the number one contributor to early death. And today more men are passing away at younger ages than ever before.

Cancer diagnoses in men are escalating.

Men are being put on prescription meds for blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease at younger ages. And more families are losing fathers and husbands by the day.

Obesity is the enemy, the one that sits on the top of the hill peering down at us from afar. We have allowed for far too long to let ourselves lose.

To take the hill is no easy task. There are no quick fixes. There are no hacks or shortcuts to winning this battle to a better and more healthy life.

The only way to win is to work. Every day, little by little. And with the right methods, tools, and strategies, together we can help you stand tall against the enemy of obesity and mediocrity and take back your life.

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