Change is inevitable. The only things that are guaranteed in life are change and death. Both can be exciting, depending on your belief system, but that’s a conversation for another day. For now, let’s learn how to make change fun since we’re all staring it directly in the face and it’s a necessary part of life, growth and progress.

I am so grateful to have life and relationship coach, Tati de Souza on the podcast today. She provides unique insight on making change fun and embracing all the positive things that it can offer! 

You can find her on IG or contact her via email for more information about her coaching services [email protected] Her website is 

Other things I mentioned in the podcast that I am doing are reading The 5 AM Club. Game changer for sure. And I am STILL doing Whole30, 21 days strong. I feel incredible and I'm convinced that a great place to start making changes in your life is with the foods/drinks you put in your body.