Ever struggled to get out of your own way? Do you feel like you might be holding yourself back from your hopes and dreams?

If so, today's episode was made for you!

Melissa Gelineau helps women achieve confidence, increase self-worth and know their true capacity for greatness by guiding them through the steps of self-awareness.She tells the women in her community and the women she coaches that although fear and self-doubt are an expected part of the process, since she has reached the level of confidence that makes her feel that ANYthing is possible ~ then so can they!

In this episode we discuss the following questions/topics:

Tell us about the etiology of self doubt and resistance? Where do they originate?

Self doubt and self sabotage are probably some of the most common reasons why women don’t accomplish their goals. But sometimes they don’t even realize that's their struggle until we really break it down. What are some signs that the listener may have to signal the need to address self doubt and resistance?

I know you also do a lot of work with women helping to build their confidence. I believe confidence is the antidote to self doubt. How can the listeners start building their confidence so they can overcome self doubt?

I think so much of what contributes to us, as women, lacking confidence to take action towards our dreams is all the noise in our heads. How can we really quiet that down so we can have more clarity about what our next action should be and confidently take that step

Here's where you can find more about the amazing work Melissa is doing!

FB GROUP Confidence and Self Esteem Builders 

Email [email protected] for more information on The Confidence Path coaching program.