Did you know ⅓ of peeps would rather go to the dentist instead of wear a bathing suit?! Summer is here and for most women (and men!) this is major anxiety time. But it doesn’t have to be!  It is time to start to learn to love the skin you are in.  On today’s episode, […]

Did you know ⅓ of peeps would rather go to the dentist instead of wear a bathing suit?! Summer is here and for most women (and men!) this is major anxiety time. But it doesn’t have to be!  It is time to start to learn to love the skin you are in.  On today’s episode, we are going to show you how to rock your bikini this summer with our Top 4 ways to help you become and stay body positive including how to fight bloating, dress to impress and adopt a mindset of self love.  For more info on FIT CHICKS, visit www.fitchicksacademy.com.  To Get Full Episode Show notes and recap click here.