They say timing is everything but if that’s true, then what’s the value of being able to predict the future?

Millions? Try billions because, on this episode of First Pitches, we talk with Aaron Levie, co-founder, and CEO of Box, an enterprise software company with a market cap of nearly 3 billion dollars.

What started off as a college dorm room project, Aaron and his co-founders built Box into the company it is today by identifying key future trends and building a business on top of them.

But building a successful company isn’t just about innovation; you need to be disruptive. You have to make it such that the incumbent in your market can’t copy you because it isn’t attractive to their business model.

And if you can do that, well you might be on your way to building a billion-dollar business.

Want to learn how to predict the future like Aaron? Take a listen and find out how.

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