Once you are a married couple, financial responsibilities and goals become so important to the overall financial health of your new family.  It is important for your future to saving money, and be protected in the event of something catastrophic happening.

Post wedding day must dos such as reassigning your beneficiaries, creating a will, updating all the different types of insurance, need immediate attention.  Or have you and your spouse discussed the day someone outside your household wants to borrow money.  How will that be handled?

This is our second episode on Money Matters, but unlike episode #18 which was pre-marital, this episode is Post Marital.  Because things are easily remember numerically, we offer the 12 step points.  This is a terrific episode for any stage of marriage, especially if proper care to these protective measures has not been done. 

Enjoy the episode, and please pass along to someone you know who can also benefit.