In this week's episode of the First Case "Articles On-The-Go" series, written by written by Melanie Perry, BSN, RN, CNOR, CSSM, she shares critical insights on the importance of disaster preparation, training, and readiness for our healthcare facilities.  

"And that is why preparation is key. Take the time to prepare for internal and external disasters before they occur. Run the fire drills, tornado drills, evacuation drills, and malignant hypothermia drills. Learn them when the stakes aren't high and the pressure is low, so that when the time comes, you can fall back on what you've already learned and you'll be able to successfully navigate whatever disaster you find yourself in."

Articles On-the-Go presents perioperative insights from written articles in a creative, easy to listen, audio format. Think audio book, meets busy Operating Room professional!

#operatingroom #surgery #perioperative #AOTG #patientsafety #patient #training #healthcare