Dr. Monzo is back and has lots more to share!! Let's go further down the rabbit hole and talk about the technology that we are exposed to wether we like it or not. We must remember that as believers we can combat against the weapons that are formed agaisnt us. God didn't make a mistake and letting us live during this time in which technology is active in going against the temple of God (our body). We aren't claiming in the show that you shouldn't see doctors or take big pharma meds, but we do ask that you pray for discernment and allow God to show you if there is other ways to approach healing and health overall. The bible has many stories that show that we can tap into supernatural healing. Often the first step is faith then letting God reveal to us what we can do. Listen carefully because our futurer is going to get real interesting real quick. I believe the show will help the body of Christ (Us) To become a stronger literall body in Christ. 

