If there ever was a must listen episode, It would be this one. We live in the midst of Babylon but God is still with us. He's capacitated us physically to endure and has created our bodies to be able to heal. In this episode we discuss with Dr. Monzo some of the things you can do to create better health for you and even reverse some of the damage done to our bodies by our GMO foods and or wireless technology. We open up the conversation about how the weapons forming against really do surpass the natural and go into the supernatural (Nano Tech) . For a believer that is great news! Because we have supernatural faith in God who is above all things and can give us the wisdom to endure Babylon and walk in his purpose with healthier lives. How is this all connected to the nephilim? How is this connected to Operation Paperclip? This and many more topics are opened up in this episode.

As always,

Don't forget to spread the fire!