Join us for today’s guest, Bill Fairman, for a conversation about money, debt, and how you can make those things work for you instead of you working for it. Bill has had a long career in finance, having worked in the mortgage industry for over 30 years. His experiences being mostly self-employed for most of his adult life, and living through the 2008 crash and recession, has sharpened his focus and passion about helping people become financially independent. 



(When talking about Mastermind, a peer support group for marketing professionals)
1. Don’t go to (any networking event) where you’re the smartest person in the room, because you’re not getting any benefit from it. The point of networking is to give knowledge, and then to receive it as well.

No matter how low things get, if you keep your head up, and keep working, things will get better. 
The tortoise always wins the race, because it is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. 
Make sure your business does more than one thing, so that if something goes sideways, you can diversify and pivot appropriately.


“One of the things we do with our business is that we are regional, so we understand our market, where we are – we’re not trying to be a national company. …We understand our footprint, and when things change, we adjust. That’s the great thing about being small-ish, we’re not like the big cruise ship that takes a couple days to turn around. We can be very nimble and take care of market situations as they come up.” 

“At the point you retire, you’re hoping you die before you run out of money. It should never be that way.” 

“This is why I’m so passionate about turning active income into passive income, because once you have that passive income, based on solid assets, there’s no-one or no market condition that is going to take that away from you. You are truly independent and free.”

“There’s nothing wrong with debt as long as the debt is on an investment, because then the debt becomes an asset.”



Bill is the owner and founder of Carolina Capital Management, LLC. His company helps to finance real estate investors who are buying property at a discount, then add value to them by constructing updates, and reselling them or holding onto them for future rental properties. In layperson’s terms, he founded a bank, but without the same regulations, and occupies a private money sector space. Prior to that, he was in the mortgage business for 30+ years. 



Carolina Capital Management LLC website
Bill on LinkedIn
Carolina Capital on YouTube


The ‘Mighty Pete Lonton’ from the ‘Mighty 247’ company is your main host of ‘Fire in The Belly’. 

Pete is an entrepreneur, mentor, coach, property Investor, and father of three beautiful girls. Pete’s background is in project management and property, but his true passion is the ‘Fire in The Belly’ project itself. His mission is to help others find their potential and become the mightiest version of themselves. Pete openly talks about losing both of his parents, suffering periods of depression, business downturn and burn-out, and ultimately his years spent not stoking ‘Fire in the Belly’. In 2017, at 37 years of age that changed, and he is now on a journey of learning, growing, accepting, and inspiring others.

Pete can connect with people and intuitively asks questions to reveal a person’s passion and discover how to live their mightiest life. The true power of ‘Fire in The Belly’ is the Q&A’s - Questions and Actions section. 

The ‘Fire in The Belly’ brand and the programme is rapidly expanding into podcasts, seminars, talks, business workshops, development courses, and rapid results mentoring.



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