Julie Hogbin, a leadership and management specialist with a passion for creating and supporting leaders, joins Pete today to talk about everything from overcoming grief, to conscious leadership. Together, they discuss the changes people go through under pressure, the true meaning of love and the importance of understanding who you truly are.



We do change under pressure. Dependent on who we are and what we are, depends how we change. Some people change a lot and it is often a really visible change. Their behaviours will change and the way in which they communicate will change. Others, you won’t show their inner feeling when put under pressure, and eventually they will explode.


Self awareness is vital for everyone in regards to their relationships both personal and/or business. It is important to understand who you are as a person, if you are not staying true to yourself then your mood will be drastically altered. We all operate differently.


Fire in the belly is that driving force for you. It is that thing that keeps you going against everything and anything.


What is love? Intellectually speaking, love is a really strong emotion and you cannot live without someone when you love them. Trying to understand the meaning behind true love and a broken heart is tough and something that is hard to fully comprehend.


Core values are traits such as honesty and freedom. Money does not always have to be a part of your core values, if you love what you are doing and are happy in your job you do not have to leave to go to a job that will pay more where you will be less happy.


There are things that go before us, that come forward in you. We are generational thinking, we are created by generations that lived before. All our ancestors habits and thoughts live on through us. Whilst we are all our own person their quirks breed down unto us.


Create conscious leadership within individuals, business and life. It is important to know why you are doing what you are doing because you lead yourselves first. If you lead yourself well and consciously and that transmutes well to others, then you are consciously living your life.




“Who we are is who we are and if we pretend to be anything else then, we are not being who we are and that can affect things drastically.”

“I actually think..that she saved my life.”

“I am not surprised that's where I am. I can analyse the situation but that doesn’t mean I am dealing with the emotion of the situation.”

“I am a caring person for the things that I care about.”

“I like myself..but do I love myself?”

“We are 95% habit, so 95% of what we do is unconscious. So, how do we know that is right? You have got to unpick it.”





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Julie Hogbin - https://juliehogbin.com/about-julie-hogbin-business-mentor/

“I have worked with Leadership and Management teams in the Public and Private sectors for over two decades, more recently with Entrepreneurs building their own business & consistently with people who want to change their lives. I was awarded a prize by the last Partnership I worked with for being Inspirational and a role model – a brilliant moment for my memories.”


The ‘Mighty Pete Lonton’ from the ‘Mighty 247’ company is your main host of ‘Fire In The Belly’.

Pete is an Entrepreneur, Mentor, Coach, Property Investor, and father of 3 beautiful girls. Pete’s background is in Project Management and Property, but his true passion is the ‘Fire in The Belly’ project itself. His mission is to help others find their potential and become the mightiest version of themselves. Pete openly talks about losing both of his parents, suffering periods of depression, business downturn and burn-out, and ultimately his years spent not stoking ‘Fire In the Belly’. In 2017, at 37 years of age that changed, and he is now on a journey of learning, growing, accepting, and inspiring others.

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