In this episode, Pete speaks to Cliodhna Fullen, a mother, wife and motivational life skills mentor. We all need certain skills for life, especially in how to cope with the everyday trials and tribulations. Cliodhna educates and teaches people these skills and how to stay motivated.



Cliodhna has always been a positive person and injected motivation and positivity in her life, but she did not realise this was a ‘thing’ that could be taught to others. She read ‘The Secret’ and learnt about law of attraction and the power of intention. It was this that first intrigued her, gave her an interest in the theory and when her growth first started.
After having her first child, Cliodhna suffered with her mental health and was admitted to hospital. In hospital she did a lot of reflection and internal healing.
Cliodhna acknowledges that there are aspects of her childhood that were very difficult, but she wouldn’t change her life experiences as it made her who she is today. You can’t go back and change things, you have to learn to accept it.
Cliodhna lives in a state of absolute gratitude every day, because she knows what it is to struggle in many ways; she has experienced so much in 37 years.
The first seven years of your life are called your ‘programming years’, where your subconscious is completely open. Meaning, how you are raised, how you feel, what you are exposed to etc has an immense impact on who you ultimately become.
Cliodhna knows her purpose and wants to use it to help as many people as she can. She is excited and intrigued to see where the rest of her journey will lead her.
Looking after number one is very important. If you are not ok then how can you be the best version of you for others.



“The only limitations anyone has are in their own mind”

“Feel it in your hearts and you’ll hold it in your hand”

“I know what it’s like to have your life suddenly taken off you”

“My superpower…Helping people realise who they are”




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Cliodhna Fullen



The ‘Mighty Pete Lonton’ from the ‘Mighty 247’ company is your main host of ‘Fire In The Belly’. 

Pete is an Entrepreneur, Mentor, Coach, Property Investor, and father of 3 beautiful girls. Pete’s background is in Project Management and Property, but his true passion is the ‘Fire in The Belly’ project itself. His mission is to help others find their potential and become the mightiest version of themselves. Pete openly talks about losing both of his parents, suffering periods of depression, business downturn and burn-out, and ultimately his years spent not stoking ‘Fire In the Belly’. In 2017, at 37 years of age that changed, and he is now on a journey of learning, growing, accepting, and inspiring others.

Pete can connect with people and intuitively asks questions to reveal a person’s passion and discover how to live their mightiest life. The true power of ‘Fire In The Belly’ is the Q&A’s - Questions and Actions!

The ‘Fire In The Belly’ brand and the programme is rapidly expanding into podcasts, seminars, talks, business workshops, development course, and rapid results mentoring.



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