How can leaders support their teams during times of uncertainty, hardship, and even loss? Gini Dietrich explores what grief leadership means and shares five things an employer should do in moments of grief. 

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The post Spin Sucks 184: Navigating The Worst Times appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

When I was a year out of college, my apartment burned down. I was sound asleep and I awoke to three very large men (they probably seemed larger than they were because it was both the middle of the night and they were wearing all their gear) were in my bedroom, yelling at me to get up. 

Imagine how startling that is—the smoke detectors hadn’t yet gone off because the fire started on the third-floor balcony and I was on the first floor. I literally woke up to firemen dragging me out of bed while others were fighting the fire, in an attempt to save the apartments below it.

They didn’t. I lost everything, except the PJs I was wearing. Thankfully, I was only a year out of college because I didn’t really have anything to lose except some clothes and shoes, some makeup, some linens, a bit of furniture, and a few dishes and pots and pans.

The Red Cross was there—and they were great. And the landlord got to work so they could move me to a new apartment. In the big scheme of things, it wasn’t terrible. But there was one thing that was a huge deal—the way my employer reacted and what they made me do while I traversed the world of insurance companies, the Red Cross, my landlord, and getting new stuff. It created a moral injury, which is something many people are experiencing at this point in the pandemic.

This is what we are going to discuss on this week’s episode of the Spin Sucks podcast.

Resources Included:

Moral Injury
Unlimited Time Off
Institutional Betrayal
The Empathetic Workforce
Unlearning Our Behaviors
Living the Golden Rule
Adjusting Our Biases
Spin Sucks Community


The post Spin Sucks 184: Navigating The Worst Times appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.