In the last in the PESO Model series we’ve been focused on for the past several weeks, Gini Dietrich shows you how to measure the effectiveness of your work.
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The post Spin Sucks 111: Measuring Your Efforts In a PESO Model Program appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

This is the last in the PESO Model series we’ve been focused on for the past several weeks. And now it is time to learn how to measure the effectiveness of your work, prove you are an investment, not an expense—and have your team carry you out of the building on their shoulders as you celebrate your success. 

(Alright, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but we still are going to work through how to show how awesome you are after doing all of this work!)

I know this makes many of your cringe. Not my joke (though that may, too), but the idea of metrics. Don’t worry! We’re not going to do math. We’re going to look at how the data you have at your fingertips allows you to tell a story that proves the effectiveness of your PESO Model program. 

The PR industry has a bad rap—and we get no respect. The challenge is that, for the most part, what we do:

Is not trackable;
PR pros have a love/hate relationship with journalists;
There isn’t an industry-wide process for tracking results; 
For the most part, communicators don’t have P&L responsibility (there are some exceptions to that rule, of course); and
A good portion of what we do is building brand and reputation and credibility and relationships.

All of those things are incredibly challenging to measure, yet many executives expect it. The 2019 Global Communications Survey out of the Annenberg Center at USC found that, while 81% of executives find earned media one of the most valuable tools for building their brands, 69% expect it to sell.

For those of you who do earned media, you know what a challenge that is without an incredibly expensive piece of software that will track attribution from your efforts. Most organizations either won’t invest in that or can’t afford it.

So what is one to do?

On today’s Spin Sucks podcast episode, we’re going to talk about metrics, measurement, attribution, MQLs, SQLs…oh my!


2019 Global Communications Survey
PR Maven
PESO Model Overview
Paid Media
Earned Media
Shared Media
Owned Media
PESO Model Authority
PESO Model Certification
Spin Sucks Community



The post Spin Sucks 111: Measuring Your Efforts In a PESO Model Program appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.