This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Adam Gordon, Jake Carlson, Teresa Nichols, and Carl Friesen.
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#418: Adam Gordon and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Reach your clients’ hearts through authentic storytelling. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Adam Gordon (, the Storyteller in Chief at Industrial Poetry. He is also a writer, strategist, and marketer.

Adam specializes in cybersecurity, cannabis, and technology. His approach is applied design thinking: Create the context and own the narrative. He helps clients develop effective narratives to sustainably grow their companies faster, providing enormous value over the life of the company.

If your company does not communicate in a way that reaches your clients’ hearts, reach out to Adam Gordon by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies that don’t communicate in a way that reaches their clients’ hearts should reach out to Adam Gordon. #Storytelling @AdamGordon
Most companies have a great story but many don’t tell it very well. I help you tell your company’s authentic story so it will be noticed and leave a mark on your clients’ hearts. #Storytelling @AdamGordon
When you tell your story straight from the heart, what happens is that you authentically evoke your market’s emotions. This elicits curiosity, which then makes your clients interested in what you have to say. #Storytelling @AdamGordon
It’s proven over time that touching people’s hearts through #Storytelling is a great way to generate business and goodwill. It helps companies grow bigger, faster, across the entire lifecycle of the company. @AdamGordon
Your company has a story that is waiting to be unveiled. I will help uncover your company’s story so it gets imprinted on your clients’ hearts and they will remain with you for the longterm. #Storytelling

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#419: Jake Carlson and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Find a better way to grow your business without trading time for dollars. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jake Carlson (, an attorney, natural storyteller, inspiring presenter, and host of “Modern Leadership” podcast.

Jake has been working with small business owners and entrepreneurs for many years, helping them find a better way to grow their business while enhancing their leadership style. He also helps them overcome their pain points as entrepreneurs without spending too much of their time at work in order to achieve their business goals.

If you’re trading time for dollars and need help from somebody to find a better way, reach out to Jake Carlson by visiting his websites at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Small business owners who need a better way to stop trading time for dollars should reach out to Jake Carlson. #GrowYourBusiness @JakeACarlson
When you first start your business, you’re wearing all the hats. But as your business grows, your time is constant. You only have 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week. That’s it! #GrowYourBusiness @JakeACarlson
As your business grows and each hat you wear demands more of your time, you’ll suddenly realize that you’re on a treadmill. You’re running faster than there is time to run. #GrowYourBusiness @JakeACarlson
Small business owners constantly try to go over their neighbor’s fence, thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. I say, “The grass is greener where you water it!” #GrowYourBusiness @JakeACarlson
If you’re on a treadmill and are frustrated and the grass is a little brown under your feet, instead of jumping the fence and going to your neighbor’s yard, I’ll help you water and weed what you’ve got. #GrowYourBusiness @JakeACarlson

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#420: Teresa Nichols and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Know the value of your followers through the KnowLikeTrust report. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Teresa Nichols (, the founder of KnowLikeTrust and a partner at Reveal Marketing LLC.

Teresa has strengths in communication, online marketing/advertising, research/analytics, and traditional marketing, content management, and social media. Her goal is to make feedback more comfortable and productive and in turn, improve credibility.

If you are a business owner who has many followers but you haven’t figured out how they add value, reach out to Teresa Nichols by visiting her website, ,and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business owners who don’t know the value of their followers should reach out to Teresa Nichols. #KnowLikeTrust @TeresaNichols
Many business owners have a large following but don’t find value in social media. I can create a social media strategy to connect you with your followers and boost your business. #KnowLikeTrust @TeresaNichols
If you have thousands of followers, wouldn’t it be great to know what all of them are thinking? I created a report that can gather all that information for business owners to get to know their followers. #KnowLikeTrust @TeresaNichols
I’ve helped over 100 business owners with their marketing strategy. This gives me the credibility to help you see the value of your followers and #KnowLikeTrust the people you do business with.
We’re all human beings, and connection is what keeps our society together. My goal is to gather feedback so you can see what your followers are thinking. This will enable you to do better business with them. #KnowLikeTrust

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:


#421: Carl Friesen and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Build a credible reputation by getting your leadership content published to effectively stand out from the competition. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Carl Friesen (, the principal at Global Reach Communications. He helps business professionals publish content that builds their profile as thought leaders.  Through effective media relations, Carl is the go-to consultant of accountants, actuaries, architects, other consultants, engineers, and lawyers on developing concepts, selected publications, and coordinating with magazine editors to work on interviewing the named author and ghost-write articles to publication.

Carl’s background in journalism comes into play when he helps develop informative content to show his clients’ expertise. He selects niche news media that are visible, have a wide reach, and are trusted by people in their market to get ideas published and amplify their impact through social media.

If you know that you’re better than all your other competitors but are still blending into the woodwork, reach out to Carl Friesen by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business professionals who blend into the woodwork and don’t like it should reach out to Carl Friesen.
How do you get seen out of the plethora of people out there who claim expertise in the field you’re in? I can help you #StandOut in terms of the services you offer better than the others to get noticed. @carlfriesen
The ability to democratize content is here and now, where everyone can easily grab a phone or camera or go online and talk about themselves. I can get your original content published to #StandOut with your thought leadership.
Do you want your current and potential clients to see your firm as a safe, reliable, and recognized choice? My role is to showcase your expertise by creating infographics and webinars focusing on your value. #StandOut @carlfriesen
It’s not wise to fight Google or big names that are better at developing content and getting published. I can place your ideas — your niche trade media, either print or online — where your ideal clients are already looking: on #StandOut.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit

The post #418-421: Gordon, Carlson, Nichols, Friesen w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

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