On this week's episode of The Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich dives into the PESO Model, explains why it is so effective at driving business results, and shares how to integrate it into your communications plan.
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I can’t believe we are already at the start of 2022. Welcome to a New Year, one that I have heard lots and lots and lots of people talk about as the year of change. Change in careers. Change in lifestyle. Change in work/life balance. And change in how we do our jobs.

And speaking of changing how we do our jobs, as I am wont to do at the start of each year, we have a PESO Model primer on today’s Spin Sucks podcast episode. Why you need it, why your communications program should evolve, how to measure it, and why executives love it. I mean, love. It’s something they can wrap their arms around and they appreciate knowing what we do isn’t some dark arts magic. They understand how what we do affects their business goals—and how we can measure it, too.

So let’s start this year off with some thoughts on how we might do more with the talents and skills we have in 2022.

Resources Included

PRWeek Article: Measuring PR Correctly
PESO Model Content Map
Native Advertising
PESO Model Collection on Instagram
The Communicator’s Playbook
Spin Sucks: PR Metrics: What to Measure in a PESO Model Program
Campaign URL Builder

The post Spin Sucks 177: A PESO Model Primer appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.