The "For Immediate Release" podcast is joining the Marketing Podcast Network (MPN), the new podcast network from Jason Falls. What does this mean to current listeners? Not a damn thing. The podcast will continue to be available on the FIR Podcast Network and your current subscription will work just fine. But we wanted to let you know about the MPN and why we're making our show available there. Listen for details.
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The post FIR #216: FIR Joins MPN appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

The “For Immediate Release” podcast is joining the Marketing Podcast Network (MPN), the new podcast network from Jason Falls. What does this mean to current listeners? Not a damn thing. The podcast will continue to be available on the FIR Podcast Network and your current subscription will work just fine. But we wanted to let you know about the MPN and why we’re making our show available there. Listen for details.

The next monthly episode is scheduled to drop on January 17.

We host an FIR Communicators Zoom Chat each Thursday during the stay-at-home period at 1 p.m. ET. For credentials needed to participate, contact Shel or Neville directly or request the credentials in our Facebook group or send an email to [email protected].

Special thanks to Jay Moonah for the opening and closing music.

You can find the stories from which Shel’s FIR content is selected at Shel’s Link Blog. Neville’s link blog, Outbox, is available, as well.

The post FIR #216: FIR Joins MPN appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.