Saying that women are under-represented in fintech is an understatement. According to a 2018 LendIt survey, only 37 per cent of fintech employees are female, with representation dropping to just 19 per cent at C-suite level.

There are however some great success stories. Anne Boden, CEO at Starling Bank or closer to home Jude Cook, CEO and co-founder at ShareIn, Loral and Eishel Quinn at Sustainably and with us today Ana Galitsyna co-founder at fintech Baby Ready.

Whilst not being the majority, they are role models of leadership and real examples of what the “women difference” means in terms of entrepreneurship.

If fintech had a gender it would probably be female (in French it is “une fintech”), a movement destined to change the financial sector as we know it. Fintech is about democratisation, it is about better outcome for citizens and companies, empathy for customer problems and about inclusion; qualities that females have in abondance and are using to develop new innovative businesses.

In this episode we are joined by:

Ana Galitsyna - Co-founder at fintech Baby Ready

Yvonne Dunn – Partner at Pinsent Masons

Sarah Ronald – Founder at Nile HQ and investor at ParEquity