With COP26 taking place in Glasgow later this year, there is a real focus on the climate change issue. As all participating countries are asked to submit their new long-term goals to address the global climate emergency, we are asking ourselves today how fintech can participate in this global movement.

The United Nations, in their Principles for Responsible Banking, have recognised Financial Services as one of the components that will help tackle climate change.

Fintech, as a movement, is already trying to tackle economic and societal issues such as financial inclusion, better financial outcomes, better money management tools, etc. Can it also provide new innovative solution to combat climate change?

With our distinguished guests we’ll explore the role fintech can and ought to play in the race to save the planet. Will touch on some themes such as ESG, digital currencies and much more


Daniel Broby – Director at the Centre for Financial Regulation and Innovation at Strathclyde Business School

Zee West – Co-founder at Picnic Bank

Natalie Jackson - Consultant at the Global Ethical Finance Initiative