Sally Fallon Morell is an author, a farmer, a businesswoman, and the founder of multiple organizations dedicated to human flourishing.

And how, as humans, do we flourish, you might ask? 

Simple: it all begins with our nutrition!

Inspired by the under-acknowledged genius of Dr. Weston A. Price, Sally has popularized the “Wise Traditions” Diet, a natural, wholesome, elegant way of eating to which countless people subscribe. 

In this wide-ranging episode, Sally and I discuss…

The framing of a new dietary “Constitution”; The most unhealthy, damaging foods to exclude from your diet; The “Wise Traditions” Diet, and what it’s all about; Dr. Weston A. Price; His life and theory about nutrition; Milk as a microcosm of politics; Milk and Marxism; Metaphysics; Philosophy; Literature; Shakespeare; Louis Pasteur; The benefits of RAW MILK (and raw dairy, generally); The idea of the “Noble Savage”; Romanticizing primitive tribes; Eugenics; Progressivism and conservatism; Beauty; What it’s like to own and work on a farm,

And so MUCH more! 

You’re going to love this conversation. 

Links to Sally’s stuff: 

The Weston A Price Foundation:

Nourishing Traditions (her highly educational blog)

Her widely-popular book, “Nourishing Traditions”


Links to my Stuff: 

My Stuff: 

Check out my Instagram page for shorts from this and prior episodes: @danielethanfinneran

Twitter: @DanielEFinneran


Send emails to [email protected]

My sister project, PNEUMA, on which I put out sleep stories, meditations, mindfulness content: Youtube @pneumabydanielfinneran

Be sure to subscribe to this channel if you enjoy these conversations and share them with family and friends!