Dean King is an author, a journalist, and a documentarian. 

His latest book, Guardians of the Valley: John Muir and the Friendship that saved Yosemite is available at all reputable booksellers. 

This book, of which I strongly urge you all to get a copy, tells the fascinating story of John Muir, Robert Underwood Johnson, and their historic effort to protect Yosemite from the water-hungry pols of San Francisco. 

In this episode, Dean and I discuss: 

The life and writings of John Muir; His editor and friend, Robert Underwood Johnson; The beauty of California; Damming the Hetch Hetchy; Protecting Yosemite; The establishment of National Parks; The Scarcity and Politics of Natural Resources; The Sierra Club; The Controversy surrounding John Muir; Should Muir be canceled?; Environmentalism; Conservation; Water Use; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Henry David Thoreau; “Indoor” v. “Outdoor” Philosophy; Transcendentalism; Camping; and MUCH more! 

Links to Dean’s stuff: 


Guardians of the Valley (latest book)

Twitter: @deanhking

Instagram: @deanhking


Links to my stuff: 

Check out my Instagram page for shorts from this and prior episodes: @danielethanfinneran

Twitter: @DanielEFinneran


Email me at [email protected]

My sister project, PNEUMA, on which I put out sleep stories, meditations, mindfulness content: Youtube @pneumabydanielfinneran

Be sure to subscribe to this channel if you enjoy these conversations and share them with family and friends!