Hector Roos is a candidate representing the Libertarian Party in Florida’s gubernatorial race. 

For all intents and purposes, your choice of political party in America is binary: Republican or Democratic, or so you’re told. Doubtless, this preserves us from the pitfalls of a parliamentary system, but isn’t it frustrating to know that, in this freest of lands, your options are so narrowly constrained? 

Libertarianism offers a much-desired alternative. Hector Roos is here to offer exactly that. 

From this episode, you’ll learn…

Whether or not government is necessary; the difference between libertarianism and anarchism; between having ordered liberty and being an untamed libertine; what distinguishes the Libertarian Party from the Republican and the Democratic Parties; if our Founding Fathers were truly libertarians at heart; the morality of shipping illegal aliens out of your state; Patrick Henry’s forgotten message, “Give me Liberty or…”; the constitutionality of abortion; the Maoist mind; and much more! 


0:00 Introduction

01:19 Is government Necessary? 

04:07 Difference between Liberty and Anarchy

09:55 How is the Libertarian Party different from the Republican and Democratic Parties? 

14:42 Were our Founding Fathers Libertarians? 

19:18 DeSantis’ shipment of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard

33:08 Florida’s authoritarian approach to the pandemic

44:18 How to win (fellow Florida resident!) Donald Trump’s vote

46:00 Is DeSantis the new Beto? 

49:52 Give me Liberty, or give me…nevermind. You can take my liberty. 

55:55 Abortion: How should it be legislated? 

1:15:30 Is Abortion Constitutional? 

1:20:28 Should the state be involved in Education? 

1:29:00 The Maoist Mind

1:30:13 Rapid Fire Questions! 


1:16:22:  “Dred Scot v. Sanford” should be “Plessy v. Ferguson”

**To err is human, to forgive, divine** – Alexander Pope 

(Do forgive me, all you gods and goddesses out there!) 

Links to Hector’s stuff


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=hector%20roos%20for%20florida%20governor.

Top Lobsta Shirts


Hans-Hermann Hoppe Article, What Must Be Done



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