If you answered yes, it might be time to make some shifts (maybe even with a coach).

Coach Temetria McVea is a personal transformation coach who is on mission to help women confidently create the life they desire. She helps them identify where they are in the major areas of their life, determine what needs to change to create the life they want and take them through the  steps to make those changes.

Find Coach Temetria McVea:  coachtemetria.com. FB:  Temetria McVea Coaching and @coachtemetria on Instagram

Coach Temetria says:  "Creating my EPIC life means living intentionally and filling my days with people, activities and experiences that fit in the Want column, not the Should column. To do that I check in with myself regularly by asking, "What do I need?" and being willing to consider whatever comes up without judgement."

If you need somewhere to start, check out Coach Temetria's free Project You mini-course (which includes a free coaching session).


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