In today’s episode, we are talking about baby massage. Our guest today is Helen Thompson. Helen has spent more than three decades working with babies and toddlers and currently lives on the beautiful North West coast of Tasmania, in Australia. She qualified in the United Kingdom as a nursery nurse/childcare educator. In 2010, Helen heard about baby/infant massage for the first time and decided to train to become an instructor after seeing how it helps build a magical bond between baby and parent whilst helping babies with conditions such as colic and constipation. Helen enjoys teaching mums via her online Zoom workshops. In her spare time Helen enjoys reading and the great outdoors via cycling and walking. She also enjoys getting away from technology and exploring the many delights of Tasmania.

In this episode we discussed: 

What baby massage isWhat the benefits are and why parents might want to do this with their babyWhen you can start with baby massage and how to get startedThe importance of asking permission/asking your baby for consent before you start to massage them or really do anything with their bodyHere is a video of Helen demonstrating different positions and techniques of baby massage

How to follow/get in touch with Helen: 

WebsiteFirst Time Mums Chat podcastAll other link/cheat sheets are linked here

How to get in touch with me: 

Sign up for a 4 week online birth class with meFollow me on Instagram and on TikTokFind other episodes at: me at [email protected]Download for free: Seven Experts to have in Your Parenting VillageMonthly Newsletter

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