The goal of the episode today is to give expecting parents a list of questions to ask potential doulas that they are considering including at their birth and to discuss why having a doula at your birth is important.

I was so excited to interview my Doula today, Shari Aizenman! In addition to being a Doula, Shari is also a Craniosacral Therapist and Massage Therapist. Shari knows everything there is to know about birth and babies! In our episode today Shari discuss what a Doula is exactly, she shares her journey to becoming a Doula and finally we share our Doula interview questions. 

Some of the topics we cover: 

A Doula is: someone who supports and educates families in the childbearing year and beyond. They are a supportive, non-judgmental and non-medical member of a birthing person's birth team Don't be afraid to change healthcare providers while you are pregnant if your provider isn't meeting your needs or doesn't share your values"The Baby Guides the Birth"There is no room for you to care about anyone else's feelings while you are in labor!Midwife model of care vs. Midwives who work under a Medical model of care

Below are the questions that Shari and I created for you to ask a potential Doula: 

Are you available to take me on as a client? (ideally you ask this before an interview!)Why did you decide to become a doula?What keeps you coming back to birth support? What are your fees and why do you charge what you charge? What is included in your service? Do we meet in person, how often, how do you like to communicate, via email, phone, text? What resources (articles, books, emails) do you provide/recommend to your clients? What topics are important for you to share with clients? How do you manage your client load? Who are your backup doulas should you not be able to attend my birth and who pays that person?Can you tell me about the most challenging birth you have attended?Where did you receive your training? What is your birth philosophy? Have you worked with my provider before/been to a birth where I am choosing to deliver? What were your experiences like with either? At what point in my birth do I contact you and will you come to my home while I labor?How long will you stay with us after I deliver? And what is your role during that time?Do you have any references or testimonials? 

How to get in touch with Shari:
Email: [email protected]

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