The goal of the show today is to serve as a reminder to myself and anyone else who needs to hear that we are the example for our children. Whether we like it or not, it is still true that our children watch everything that we do. Therefore, if we want to keep any negative cycles from repeating themselves in the lives of our children we have to be the example and make a change in ourselves first. 

Today I am going to discuss the importance of self-awareness and making positive changes in your life as a parent. I am specifically going to touch on this in 3 key areas: weight management, divorce and racism. What do all 3 of those topics have in common? The biggest impact on all of them is Parent Influence. 

I have also selected those three areas to discuss today because those are all areas that I need to make positive changes in. I will be honest, today’s episode is the result of my processing the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. The past two weeks have been a wake up call for me as a white woman living in the U.S. The reason why I have chosen this specific topic today is because I can relate my recent realizations that I have had about my own racial biases back to two other issues that plague me that I more easily identify issues with and that is: issues with food and issues with my spouse. I do not want to pass on my negative traits/habits or limiting beliefs about any of these topics to my children. We know from studying each of these topics that if we are not intentional with our self-awareness and our actions that we will pass on negative traits/habits and beliefs.

I am an anti-racist and I just showed up to the party two weeks ago. I am really not proud of that, but I’ll humble myself and admit it. I did not honestly realize that I had racial biases. Why it took me this long to see it, I don’t know and I’m not proud of that either

I recently watched a live podcast where Cachet Prescott, host of the All Things Unlearned Podcast interview Dr. Maryam Jernigan-Noesi. In the interview they discussed racial trauma.

In the episode Dr. Jernigan-Noesi touches on the white racial identity development model that was developed by her mentor Dr. Janet Helms

If you are a white parent who is interested in becoming an ally, I will point your attention to racial justice leaders and below are several resources that I have found to be helpful:

All Things Unlearned podcast episode

Finally, please contact me and let me know what you think about the show today. 

Instagram @FindingYourVillage Facebook @FindingYourVillagePod Email me at [email protected]

Have a great week and stay safe!

**Edit: I said in the episode that I heard the saying about humility from my pastor, Andy Stanley, this is true. However, I realized after I released this episode that the original quote is by C.S. Lewis from the book Mere Christianity, the quote is, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."

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