For the past 25 years, Dr. Niki’s professional life has been dedicated to improving conditions for students who struggle to live and learn in traditional settings. She sees the innate spark of genius in them and moves mountains to help educators, parents, health professionals, and social service providers transform personal and systemic practices that perpetuate trauma and underperformance.

Currently, she serves as co-director of the Center for Neurodiversity, Learning, and Wellness in the LaFetra College of Education at the University of La Verne. There, she teaches pre-service and in-service teachers how to incorporate interpersonal neurobiology, mindfulness, breathwork, mind/body techniques, and healing-centered engagement in their own lives. As a result of the programming she spearheads, educators are equipped to provide compassionate advocacy and support for students who struggle with learning differences or the damaging impact of trauma.

For more about Dr. Niki's work, visit:

Connect with Dr. Niki

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