Previous Episode: Introductions
Next Episode: Introductions, part 3

I've had some bad introductions over the years. One woman read my jokes. She's out there getting laughs with them, I'm backstage wondering how I'm going to say them in a few minutes. Another guy said "these jokes are so funny, I just have to say them" no you don't.


My tips this week are on introductions, and I've gotten some doozies over the years. You will have introductions, even if they aren't from the stage. Make sure they're done right. I realize that some of these bad introductions happened because the people knew a lot about me. They read my jokes because they liked them, they wanted to show the crowd how funny I was, and they just wanted to let them know all about me. But knowing a lot about someone can be a problem. The more people know about you, the more chance they'll introduce you with something that’s not good . . .maybe too personal, that you don't want them to say.  You think your college buddy has the sense not to tell a potential employer that you used to do keg stands at the bar, but he doesn't. He'll say it. I presumed people had the common sense not to read a comedian's jokes right before they go onstage, but it happened . . on more than one occasion.


My tip is, when you're choosing the things that you want people say about you in an introduction, it's also important to remind them of things you don't want them to say . . . especially personal things. That information should come out naturally from you in the conversation IF you want it to. I didn't need these people trying to prove to the audience that my jokes are funny . . that was going to happen in my act.


ACTION. If you want more tips on introductions, check out my master of ceremonies website – 


That's it for today. Take care and enjoy your journey.