Sean is a certified badass. He has completed five tours overseas as a Marine and is a highly decorated Veteran. However those many years took a toll on Sean leaving him with the unbelievably difficult task of overcoming the addiction he found to cope with all the pain and trauma of war. War trauma and the experiences many enlisted men and women go through leave tens thousands helpless to the addictions they developed to cope. Sean's story is a special story, similar to so many others and it is incredible. Matt met Sean several years ago in a treatment setting and they recently re-connected. Sean has put his life back together and it is remarkable how he has done so. In this episode he tells his powerful story of overcoming addiction and trauma.

If you or someone you know is a Veteran suffering from PTSD, trauma, or addiction please reach out to Deer Hollow Recovery. Deer Hollow specializes in healing Veterans and helping them gain their lives back. Call (888) 5WE-KNOW or visit the website to get the help you need.

The Finding Strength Podcast is Sponsored by Deer Hollow Recovery


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