How do you trust your body when it’s massively let you down? 

At the age of 25, Kelli is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of the Central Nervous System. Having never heard of the disease, she follows the medical protocol she’s given and tries to carry on with life and her love of dancing.

What I find so fascinating about Kelli’s journey with MS is how she learns to listen to and trust her body. She quits the traditional medical route and puts her trust in a Homeopathic doctor and his alternative approach to treating the body as a whole.

She becomes aware of her emotions and their impact on her symptoms, she learns to work her life around her MS - carving out several careers from home, raising her kids, finding creative outlets and navigating a pandemic.

Her most recent accomplishment is writing a book, Fabulous in Flats, that documents her journey with MS, how she’s managed her symptoms and the lifestyle and habits that have allowed her to thrive.