Caitlin shares her journey with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease. She spends the first six years of her diagnosis in denial, intent on proving her doctors wrong even as her symptoms progressed. Once she accepts her neurological disorder she takes on a million projects so she doesn’t have to face her greatest fear: there is no cure.

It’s only once all her projects start to fall apart and she hits a very low point does a door in Caitlin’s mental armour crack open to new possibilities. She shares her experience at a recent Joe Dispenza retreat and her new perspective on living and hope for the future. What I find so inspiring about her journey is how she’s found a sense of curiosity - curiosity around her body, her mind and her disorder.

We cover the importance of processing our emotions, how energy is stored in the body, getting in touch with what our bodies are telling us, how our menstrual cycle can affect medication and believing her health is worth advocating for.