We opted for something different this month and instead of focusing on female directors we instead focused on the role of the female editor with films Faults (edited by Sarah Beth Shapiro) and The Young Folks favorite Mad Max: Fury Road (edited by Margaret Sixel). We discussed the historical nuances of womens roles as editors and how they were pushed out of the role of directing to editor at the start of cinema. We also talk about directors such as Joss Whedon, Jeff Nichols and Martin Scorsese who are known for having female editors on their team for the majority of their films. AJ and I admitted that our understanding of the role of the editor and or ability to point out good vs. bad editing (unless it's really quite good or really quite bad) is limited but that this month of discussion has made us more intrigued with the role in film, especially from a female perspective. 

For April we'll be doing something I'm very excited about and exploring Sofia Coppola's films from her early days to now as we get ready for her newest release this summer with The Beguiled. Make sure to watch along and join the conversation! Which film of hers is your favorite ? 

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