Hello and welcome back! It's been a YEAR since we began this podcast and it's been a blast each month to get to explore these female directed films and the complexities that come along with them. Rather than picking a theme in April we instead chose to set our sights specifically on one director: Sofia Coppola. One of our collective favorites over the past few years (especially when we all, respectively, began latching onto film in general) her filmmography is more than enough worthy to warrant a whole discussion. From The Virgin Suicides to the upcoming The Beguiled, Coppola's career has been defined by master works of the subtleties in art.

We talk about what our favorite film of hers is, what film we saw first and what it is about her filmmaking that makes her such a genuis. 

For May we'll be hitting up blockbuster season by watching Kathryn Bigelow's 1991 Point Break and the 2008 Catherine Hardwicke directed adaptation of Twilight. Make sure to watch along and join the dicussion in late May! 

You can follow us at @FindingHerVoice or @TYFofficial. Make sure to also check us out on Itunes!