Two weeks ago, quite out of the blue, I was rejected by someone who I thought was a friend.


It came out of nowhere.  No explanation, no clues.  I was just cut off.  It was as if I no longer existed. I became invisible. 


I was judged and found guilty of I do not know what.


I think the modern term for this is “ghosting.”  Yes, I was ghosted.


Well it hit me hard. 


I thought they were a friend.


I aspire to Live in High Vibration but it was the unexpectedness of this rejection, and the way that it was done, that took the wind out of my sails - it flattened me. 


It flattened me and it took control of me.


It also took its toll physically which resulted in tiredness, dizziness and a few other things.


Roll forward a couple of weeks, I am grateful that it happened.


I am grateful for what I learned from it and for what I can now share with you.


What I cover in this episode is:


*   Wounds that trigger


*   Wounds that no longer trigger

*   What to do when triggered


I am sure you will relate to this.



What Next?



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Even if you are stressed, fearful, or depressed (like I was 🙁) you can turn this around by learning to Live in High Vibration.