Have you ever been with someone who:


sucks your energy?
makes you shrink?  makes you feel small, stupid, that you don’t know anything, that you’re an idiot, that you are not beautiful, that you don’t matter
doesn’t see you? ignores you? doesn’t listen to you?

Conversely …..


Have you ever been with someone who:

fills you with energy? lights you up?
makes you feel energised? makes you expand?  makes you feel empowered, confident, happy ,beautiful, treasured, special, vibrant?
sees you?
listens to you?

Guess what?


One set is good for your physical health.


Yes, your physical health.


One set is not.


Guess which set?



In this episode, I cover this along with:

  Some fun science.

  Why some people are bad for your physical health.

  What to do about it.


What Next?


I recommend you:

✔ subscribe to my channel

✔ download my FREE Living in High Vibration Roadmap.



Even if you are stressed, fearful, or depressed (like I was 🙁) you can turn this around by learning to Live in High Vibration.