In this episode of Finding Grace I am joined by the beautiful Cassady Cayne. 

Cassady is a Hay house author of the book "The universe Speaks - Are you listening ?", a relationship coach, a natural intuitive and a channel of Spirit. Her teachings on transformational love through energy healing and mindfulness have assisted hundreds of thousands of people on their life's journey. She works with a combination of vibrational alignment, energy clearing tools and energy upgrades, methods from Jungian psychology, mindfulness and Akashic Record clearing to help individuals and couples get past blocks and negative patterns to find love and wholeness both within themselves and in their relationships 

Cassady and I were introduced by a mutual friend and it’s a pleasure to share Cassady on here.

In this episode :

Cassady shares what finding grace means to her with the journey she’s been on.  She shares her story to what lead her to where she is today.  We talk about her new book “The universe speaks - are you listening” and she shares what lead her to write this. She shares how her darkest moment created a big shift for her and she gives advice to anyone in this position.  We talk about the importance of looking for the answers inside, and how we need to change the stories we tell ourselves and our programmed with too create change in our lives.   She shares the importance of clearing all then stuff we are backed up with and shares the tools she works with to do this.  We talk about gratitude and appreciation and its importance on our journey back to love.  We discuss forgiveness and inviting grace into the space to assist us on our journey.  She shares her parting wisdom with grace.

I hope you enjoy this deep and beautiful episode. 

Do reach out to myself and Cassady to continue this conversation, we would love to hear your thoughts. 

If you would like to find out about Cassady and her work or buy her book you can find her at:

Instagram @cassady.cayne or @twinflames1111 Facebook Cassady Cayne and twin Flames 11:11 Websites The book is available on amazon, major bookstores and directly at Hay house. 

You can find me at :

instagram @thehannahwallace Facebook Hannah Wallace @thehannahwallace twitter @hannahwallace_

Thank you so much for listening I hope you’ve enjoyed our conversation, please share, subscribe and review its greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.