In this episode of Finding Grace I am joined by my wonderful friend Aisha Carrington.

Aisha is a meditation teacher, speaker, retreat host of the ‘Get lit retreats’, intuitive, healer and has a shop selling all kinds of things to raise your vibe and clear your space. 

In the words of Aisha she deals in love and hope, she opens the gateway for people who are feeling lost on their paths and via her retreats guides them on the journey to start coming back to themselves. 

Aisha and I got introduced by a mutual friend and have been loving each other ever since. 

In this episode:

Aisha shares what finding grace means to her and her story from fashion stylist to self love mentor and retreat host, and her finding grace journey to this.  We talk self love and what it means to her and how she approaches this.  She shares her advice with dealing with overwhelm.  We delve into the world of healing and how healing isn’t linear and she shares her thoughts and journey with this.  She shares how to reset when you fall off the self care wagon, and how to view this positively and shift your perception with this.  We talk meditation and the powerful medicine it is, and why radical rest is important and good for healing.  She shares about mother hood and navigating this, and the challenges faced by mum’s today in society.  I get her to share about her retreats and why she decided to found them. 

This is such a full episode and Aisha shares her wisdom with such grace and openness. I hope you enjoy. 

We would love to continue this conversation so do reach out to either of us and share. 

If you would like to work with Aisha and find out what she’s up to, you can find her :

Instagram @aishacarrington_ Instagram @getlitretreat is the retreat account

You can find me at :

Instagram @thehannahwallace Facebook page hannah wallace @thehannahwallace  Twitter @hannahwallace_ Website

Thank you so much for listening, I hope you enjoyed, do share, review and subscribe its greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.