In this episode of finding grace today I’m joined by the goddess Sophie Bashford, who is a leading intuitive, channel, teacher, speaker and writer for the re-emergence of the divine feminine and has written the best selling book ‘You are a goddess’ published by Hay House. 

People travel from all over the world to take part in Sophies healing tent retreats. 

I discovered Sophie through reading her book and loved it so much I wanted to create this conversation. 

Sophie shares what ‘Finding Grace’ means to her and in her life and she shares her story.  We talk about what the divine feminine means to her and how she shares it with the world.  We delve into her book and how it’s an invitation to the Goddess and her temples and what inspired this. We talk about how the Goddess works through you and cracks us open and takes us within, and depending on where we are at we will be attracted to work with different goddess’s.  We talk about how we live in a disconnected world and how we can reconnect back to ourselves. Using our intuition as a tool and its importance. She shares about the retreats she leads, and the importance of women gathering in this way.  Sophie shares her wisdom with a deep grace, this is a magical episode, we hope you enjoy this episode do reach out and share your thoughts.

You can find out what Sophie is up to and what she offers at : instagram @thesophiebashford Facebook group the ‘ Sophie Bashford’s wise tribe’ . Facebook page ‘Sophie Bashford’ You can get Sophies book from all good book stores and online, I highly recommend it. 

You can find me at : Facebook page ‘Hannah Wallace’  Instagram @hannah_wallace11 twitter @hannahwallace_ pinterest @hannah_wallace11 

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