In Novembers solo episode I share all about about the recent talk I did in MBS Birmingham.

In this episode:

I share all about my talk I did about using your voice to activate your power. I discuss going back to your early communication as a child and what using your voice was like as that sets the tone, and is a good foundation to go on and a story we need to rewrite. Why we need to look at what using our voice means to each of us. I share that using our voice isn’t just about being loud it’s knowing how to modulate it and regulate with it.  How we want that to feel and how does using our voice feel. What’s the current story we have about using our voice,  what do we need to release around this and rewrite.  What does that new story look and feel like. On a deeper level what does our current story feel like in our nervous systems and why we need to rewire/recode the new one into our nervous system and why this is important. I share the importance of knowing we won’t always get it right with our voice and its learning to feel safe with this. I invite you to look at the ways you use your voice and how you don’t and how you want this to change. I discuss its more complex due to history, gender privilege, ethnicity and class systems how this can travel down family lines in terms of using the voice. This is something we need to heal and work with and recognise. I talk about connecting your voice to your heart and why this is important. I share how using our voice is an ever evolving process.

I share all this and more.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and your relationship with your voice.

Do reach out and share with me.

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace  Website 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.