In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Liz Childs Kelly who is the author and creator of “home to her” she is a writer and podcaster also called “home to her, and a sacred feminine researcher, educator, community builder and initiated priestess in the 13 moons Lineage.

We connected online and I can’t wait to share Liz on here today. 

In this episode:

Liz shares what finding grace means to her and the journey she’s been on. Liz shares her story and what led her to this work. She shares what the sacred feminine means to her and how we live in a world where we grow up thats so opposite. We talk about reclaiming the ancestral wisdom of the sacred feminine. She shares about why connecting to our sacred rhythms and cycles empowers us in a world that is so linear. We discuss how theres a huge disconnect to ourselves and our hearts and diving into this sacred feminine work allows us to reclaim this. We talk about the book she wrote and what led her to this creative path and all the research she did. She shares what being an initiated priestess in the thirteen moons is. We discuss all the twists and turns this work and journey takes you on and how it’s so layered. She shares what’s bringing her joy right now. We discuss the tools that are supporting her. 

Liz shares all this and more in this beautiful conversation.

Do reach out to us to share your thoughts on this conversation.

If you would like too see what liz is up to, read her book, connect to her community and what she is sharing you can find her: Buy her book here Instagram @hometoher Facebook home to her 

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.