In Novembers solo episode I dive into the topic of trust. 

In the episode: 

where I’m at right now.  The importance of trusting yourself.  Breaking my leg rested my relationship with trusting my body.  What’s your relationship to trust.  What’s your trust story.  Why we need to rewrite our trust story.  Why regulating your nervous system is the key to deepening trust with yourself.  Tuning into to how trust feels in your body.  Sometimes we’ll trust and get it wrong and that’s ok.  There’s layers of trust we will meet and need to learn from.  When we trust ourselves it changes our view of the outer world.  Understand it’s a process trusting yourself.  Different areas of your life will be easier to trust in, figure out where you are at with this.   What does life look like when you trust yourself. 

I share all this and more.

I’d love to hear  about your relationship with trust, share with me. 

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.