In Septembers solo episode of finding grace I share my musings and reflections of the month that has just past.

In this episode:

I share where I am at right now. How I’m healing and embracing the present moment. I share about autumn equinox and what it means. Why this has been a reflective month for me. Moving beyond the space of labels.  Healing happens in many different layers. Identify patterns and recognise what’s underneath them to find new alignment and harmony. Why sitting with your emotions are important, without always trying to fix them right away. How we move through our emotions. Why compassion and kindness is the key.  What the best foundations are we can create. The importance of turning down the outside too listen to yourself too. 

I share all this and more in this musing. 

Do reach out to me about this episode I’d love to hear your thoughts and where you are at.  

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.