In this episode of finding grace I’m joined by Fenn who is a coach, psychic medium with Years of experience behind her including tv work and numerous magazine collaborations, a course creator and founder of school. 

Fenn and I met many years back at a mind body spirit show where I used her services and have stayed connected ever since. 

I’m looking forward to sharing her on this episode. 

In this episode:

Fenn shares what finding grace means to her right now.  She shares her story from childhood psychic experiences which led her to this work and the journey she’s been on.  We discuss why people love to visit a psychic for answers she’s shares her advice about remaining open and not to get fixed on things.  She shares how she deals with sceptics and why it’s ok for people to be sceptical. We talk about the best approach when going for a reading. We discuss how to cope with redirection when things don’t go to plan and how to stay in a positive space with this.  We talk manifestation and her experiences with and how it’s helped her life.  She shares how’s she created change in her life and how she’s made things happen.  We discuss navigating the tougher times when we are faced with the shadow and why it’s important now to bypass. She shares what tools are supporting her right now.  We discuss what’s bring her joy right now. 

Fenn shares this and more, we hope you enjoy this fascinating conversation. Would love to hear your experiences from a reading or if you’ve ever had one. 

Do reach out to us to continue the conversation 

If you would like to work with Fenn you can find her : Ig @fennspiritualteacher Facebook @fennspiritualteacher

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.