In this episode of finding grace today I’m joined by Vipul Bhesania who is a podcast host of “Soul wisdom stories” and was formerly “know your legacy”, author of a poetry book “Searching in silence”, and a coach.

We were introduced via a friend and I can’t wait to share Vipul on here today.

In this episode:

Vipul shares what finding grace means to him and the journey that he’s been on. He shares his story of what led him to where he is today. We discuss self love and its importance beyond the surface level We talk about why we need to value our mental health. He shares his thoughts on legacy. He talks about his poetry and what this means to him. We discuss growth and change, taking the leap and navigating this.  We talk about being perfectly imperfect. We discuss embracing your weird  He shares the tools he’s using to support him right now.  We discuss the importance of not being hard on yourself.  He shares what’s bringing him joy right now. 

Vipul shares all this and more, I hope you enjoy our conversation. 

Do reach out to us to discuss this more. 

If you want to work with Vipul, read his book, listen to the podcast you can find it here:

You can buy the book here  Listen to the podcast here  Instagram @vipulbhesania @soulwisdomstories 

You can find me at : 

Instagram @thehannahwallace Twitter @hannahwallace_ Face book @thehannahwallace Website 

Thank you so much for listening please share, subscribe and review it’s greatly appreciated and I hope you find grace in your week ahead.